Today we launch a new set of documents in our Short Guide series! This one is called Crisis Leadership.
Crisis Leadership comes in four parts:
Part 1: Key Concepts
Part 2: Core Functions
Part 3: Useful Tools
Part 4: Staying Effective
View all our short guides here.
They have a different look and feel to most of our other papers. You’ll see that they are in PowerPoint format, with professionally produced graphics in support of a short key-point text on each topic in the 'notes' section of each slide. It’s a practical tool-kit – not an academic paper.
Who are they aimed at? It is for those who could be required to act as a crisis manager for their organisation. They are probably experienced and capable senior managers. But they may be new to this sort of challenge and this sort of working. This Short Guide will help them prepare themselves for it and it’s written with them in mind.
You can read it in different ways. The graphics are designed to explain the gist of the topic and you can probably get the general picture just from a careful study of them. The text in the notes section below each slide gives a bit more detail and context – as well as some key references.
Check them out and tell us what you think!
Watch out for more publications in the Short Guides series and for short e-learning versions that will follow in due course. We’d also like to thank our reviewers for their help in the design and edit; Helen Hinds, Tom Knox, Alan Bravey and Bev Griffiths.