Jerry Allen

Jerry Allen is a career crisis manager who is now dedicated to sharing his experience for the benefit of the wider resilience community.  He has significant field experience of responding to international major incidents including natural disasters, aviation accidents, terrorist atrocities and cyber-attacks.  

Jerry’s career was founded as a military logistics officer during which he was involved in multiple military aid (MACA) planning, exercises and operations both at home and overseas.  His departure from the Royal Air Force was the start of a second career supporting emergency management for the world’s airlines and airports.  As head of Crisis Management Services for the International Air Transport Association (IATA), he led the specialist planning necessary to comply with international legislation on emergency management.  The natural next step for Jerry was complex major disaster support operations and his 12 years with Kenyon Emergency Services saw him deployed worldwide to assist governments, communities and private companies.  Much of this work involved mass fatality and the associated victim and family support operations.  His move into private consultancy heralded a change from operations to education.  Jerry now works for international clients, the Emergency Planning College and London City University to help, educate and support others to be better prepared. 

Jerry is resolute in his belief that effective crisis management planning is a product of three focus points: people, logistics and communications.  “If we do these things well, we have the foundations in place”. 

Jerry’s three passions are rugby, fishing and photography.  He is an avid traveller and considers that travel-for-business is not a chore but a privilege.  He tries to combine his trips at least with photography but sometimes also fishing.