California Wildfires 2018
A series of wildfires across the state burning total of 1,519,931 acres. It's one of the most destructive wildfires witnessed in California killing over a hundred people and damaging/destroying 24,226 structures. The fires cost $26.347 billion (2018 USD) in property damage and firefighting costs, of that fire fighting cost $947 million the rest was predominantly property damage. The increased number and severity of fires has been linked to climate change and more natural fuel.
80+ Injuries
104 Fatalities
Some of the most intense wildfires occurred in Australia, starting two months earlier than usual in June 2019 and lasting unt...
34 direct / 445 indirect Fatalities
A series of devastating bush fires burned their way across the state of Victoria, Australia. The fires are believed to be a r...
414 Injuries
173+ Fatalities
A deadly forest fire broke out on Mount Carmel, northern Israel where the fire spread at speed consuming much of the forest....
44 Fatalities

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